A women's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her.
How true is this?! I desire to be like this so much. But how do I even begin to make this my life. I was thinking this morning about how I would need to balance things. But, I don't think that would be the solution. The true solution would be letting go of my heart, wrecklessly abandoning everything that I hold so tightly to, for example relationships, past sins, grudges and the list can go on... those are me specific. Now, when I say wrecklessly abandoning those things, I mean giving them to God in such a way that there is no way that I would even desire, even just a little bit, to take them back. Let go of things that I am holding onto so I can live the life that I have been given today. But where do I start?
I find comfort in these words and want to truly live them.
8Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. 9You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.-Romans 8:8-9I know that this isn't simple but I know that it is do-able. Sometimes, God may present me with something that seems like it is too much for me to handle and it may be but the great thing is that he is ALWAYS there beside me. All I have to do is turn to him. That is the biggest part, when in trouble or down or up or ANYTHING look to Christ for guidance.
15Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.16Be joyful always; 17pray continually;18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.-1 Thessalonians 5:15-18My prayer for this week is this,
14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe 16as you hold out[a] the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.-Philippians 2:14-16Its truly amazing how far from all of this we can get when we get so wrapped up in this world. But we are commanded to live in and not of it. This summer, I have really started to live a life that God can boast about. I want him to be proud of everything that I do and the decisions that I make. I want to do everything for him, consulting him no matter what the circumstance may be. I do not always do the best at this job, but I'm trying! I don't want to forget what it feels like to have God be in control, it helps me to remember what its like without him in control and its NOT pretty!
I pray that someone out there can get something from this. This summer I am praying that I can learn to walk by faith, even when I cannot see. I'll leave you with a song:
Somewhere in the Middle
-Casting Crowns
Somewhere between the hot and the cold
Somewhere between the new and the old
Somewhere between who I am and who I used to be
Somewhere in the middle, You'll find me
Somewhere between the wrong and the right
Somewhere between the darkness and the light
Somewhere between who I was and who You're making me
Somewhere in the middle, You'll find me
Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender without losing all control
Fearless warriors in a picket fence, reckless abandon wrapped in common sense Deep water faith in the shallow end and we are caught in the middle. With eyes wide open to the differences, the God we want and the God who is, But will we trade our dreams for His or are we caught in the middle Are we caught in the middle
Somewhere between my heart and my hands
Somewhere between my faith and my plans
Somewhere between the safety of the boat and the crashing waves
Somewhere between a whisper and a roar
Somewhere between the altar and the door
Somewhere between contented peace and always wanting more
Somewhere in the middle You'll find me
Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender without losing all control
Lord, I feel You in this place and I know You're by my side
Loving me even on these nights when I'm caught in the middle
Love you all,
-In Christ,