Dear Allison,
You will probably never fully understand the impact that you have had on my life, so I’m going to use this letter to help shed some light on just a few things in my life that you have truly changed forever.
I remember being in edfd 202 with you freshman year. I didn’t know you, even though we both lived on short hall in Cathcart. When you introduced yourself in Mrs. Smith’s class, I never would have imagined the lasting impact that you would have on my life. I’m not sure if you recall, but we first started talking about two weeks after classes had started in the fall of 2005. We were working on a powerpoint that was supposed to tell people about us. Mrs. Smith had asked us to but it on a CD and you could not figure out how to get that and the music you needed on the CD. So, you came running down the hall asking me questions. From that point on, we started working on many projects together. I even recall a presentation on corporal punishment in school, which I still stand behind!
As freshman year would slowly ticked away, we would become fast friends. Fast forward to sophomore year and the bond grew even stronger. I bet you have no idea that you are solely responsible for me joining a club. If it had not been for you introducing me to Brian Grace, who then drug me into Spring Sing and Spring Sing maked me fall in love with Regina, I never would have found a home in a social club. However, because of you, I was blessed with a group of ladies that love me like you love me, like a sister. I can’t imagine my life at Harding without them, just as I can’t even picture my life without you.
You helped solidify my love for the Razorbacks. You took me to games that your dad couldn’t make and that meant more than I can express. Just knowing that over all of the friends that you have, you would choose to spend a weekend with me made me so happy. Even though we lived together and saw each other almost every waking hour. You still wanted to be with me. I treasure our friendship. I’m so incredibly lucky to have been blessed with someone like you.
As I look to the future, my graduation finally looms around the corner. The thought is scary but exciting. It also stirs in me, thoughts of what our future will be like. I know for certain that no matter how far away we may be or how crazy our lives may get, I will always know what is going on in your life, until we leave this life. Allison Emory Majors, I love you. I thank my God every time I think of you, which is often. Thank you for being my friend. What love it must take to be friends with someone as crazy as me.
Here’s to our future, sister
~In Christ,
-Marisa Lynn
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