Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year Has Begun

I might have to wait, I'll never give up. I guess its half timin' and the other halfs luck. Wherever you are, whenever its right, you'll come out of nowhere and into my life. And I know that we can be so amazing. And baby your love is gonna change me. And now I can see every possibility.

So, my birthday came and it went. I spent some time with good friends to start off the new year and it was perfect. I couldn't have asked for better company. Jessica, Richard, William and Brentonio were the perfect group of people to begin 2010! It helped me realize a lot of things too.

Realization #1: I am finding myself again. The real me. And the real me is OK! In fact, the real me is pretty stinking awesome! When I'm always worrying about a relationship, I loose myself. I don't want to loose myself anymore. God is helping me with that. Good thing he always knows the real me, even when I hide under all that stuff!

Realization #2: I don't need everyone else's approval! Its as simple as that, no explanation needed.

Realization #3: I'm going to live out my dreams, God hasn't told me the plans yet... but I'm gonna go along with my dreams assuming I'm aligned with what he wants for me in my life. If I stray off the path, he'll let me know.

Realization #4: People will let me down and I will let people down.

Realization #5: I am not now, nor will I ever be, perfect! I will strive and God will see me through Jesus which makes me perfect. End of story.

Last, Realization #6: I'm getting out of Arkansas in the next five years. I will stay here as long as it takes to get certain loans forgiven, then I'm headed west or north. God hasn't let me know for sure yet, so I keep my options open.

God has so many incredible things planned for me and I couldn't be more excited about all of it. 2010 is going to bring a whole lot of new things. I'm finally settling in Searcy in an apartment in May which is so very exciting. I get to work at the Media Center this summer, which is an answer to prayer! My life is pretty clearly blessed right now, I love it.

--Take it easy,
--In Christ,
~Marisa Lynn


Tiffany said...

I'm glad you are blogging again. I think you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. I love you. Friends always, even if we don't get to talk as often as we'd like.

Rebecca said...

Hello my sweet friend! :) Love your blog and thoughts. A book that we HIGHLY recommend to EVERYONE, but especially those actively searching for themselves is The Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee. It's one of my top 5 favs! A life changer! Love ya girl! Maybe we'll see you some Sunday at PGCC!
Rebecca M.

whitcase89 said...

Oh gosh I totally forgot about that, but I completely remember now! Heck lets go...!! I think life happened!

We could just have a make shift Florida trip...I sure would love to see your gorgeous face sometime!