Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wait... I'm an adult now? You're kidding right?!

This semester so far has been totally insane. I feel like I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I have REALLY enjoyed every minute of it but sometimes I just wish I could stop and breath for a second or two!

Last week I had my first observation for my supervised teaching and it went pretty well, I feel like. My supervisor didn't really say one way or another that I was awesome or terrible, but at the end she told me she could tell that I was going to be a good teacher because it is clear that I care for my kids. That meant a lot and was definitely a good thing to hear. And it helped me to not be as nervous about teaching and to be confident in what I do because I do care about what my kids learn. I can't wait to be a teacher! Last week was also "Snow Week". We only went to school one day last week and that was the day that I was observed. But it was good to get that out of the way and not have to reschedule it. 

So, I got a good little break. I spent Thursday and Friday doing absolutely nothing and playing in the snow and hanging out with my girls. I think that it is fair to say that we had ourselves a good little time. 

This week has just been a whirlwind but at the same time it has seemed to take FOREVER for it to be over. On Monday and Tuesday I attended a Job Fair where there were MANY great prospects for a job once I graduate. I am praying that something will work out and that I will know sooner rather than later. I like security but in the end I know that God is going to take care of me... I worry too much. Thankfully, He is in control! Friday was a messed up day because I had my times for seminar messed up. I somehow thought I needed to be at seminar at 9:30 because thats what I had in my planned... turns out, seminar was at 1 and had a paid any attention to e-mails or any other calendar or schedule I have, I would have realized that. So, I missed half a day of teaching because of a stupid mistake. It was frustrating! Now I will have to make that half day up, because I don't want to miss out on valuable experience! But I got it all worked out and I think I'm good. Just frustrated by yesterday in general. 

The evening did end on a high note. I went to work after seminar and then went to dinner with some friends. We hung out and caught up because we never really see each other except on the weekends. Closed the evening enjoying watching Spring Sing Practice and it was just a hoot. We heckled and laughed the entire time. It was great!

Now, I'm sitting at work trying to find the motivation that I need to get going on my lesson planning for this next week. This is my last week to teach in my 6th grade classroom. Then I have a week of observation. After that I will be moving onto my fifth grade class, which will be a whole new experience! I'm excited!!

-in Christ,
 ~Marisa Lynn

1 comment:

cROSE said...

One-You forgot to mention our talk until 3:30 Tuesday morning.

Two-I love heckling with you!

Three-I love ANYTHING that is a hoot/hoots! :)